VasiliSa The Priest’s Daughter
A Story for Scamps
Russian Folktales Series: Episode 2
Recommended for Grades 3 and up.
A Russian Folktale by Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasyev
Retold by Elizabeth Falcón
Vasilisa wears men's clothing, rides horses, and can fire a gun, but the king’s advisors insist that Vasilisa is a woman. The king, obsessed by this mysterious person, executes a series of ploys to determine whether Vasilisa is man or woman. He finds out, however, that Vasalisa is no easy mark. Who will outwit whom in this gender-bending folktale? Listen to find out…
Activities for Scamps
Activities for Scamps based on Vasilisa The Priest’s Daughter
Best Suited for Grades 3-8
After you listen to the story, “Vasilisa The Priest’s Daughter,” check out the activities below. There’s something for your inner everyone—the baker, the tailor, the designer, the bather… Click on the one you are most interested in, or try them all!
Activities for the…
Listen to other episodes of Russian Folktales for Scamps
Elizabeth Falcon (StoryTeller and Curriculum Designer)
Elizabeth is a poet, musician, and teacher with a passion for hybrid form and mixed media. She received her MFA in poetry from the University of Arizona in 2011, where she studied under poets Laynie Browne and Steve Orlen.
She has had work accepted at places like The Adroit Journal, Drunken Boat, and Mid-American Review. Elizabeth also has a passion for teaching. She has taught writing residencies and developed curricula for the University of Arizona Poetry Center.
She is teaches first grade at the Tucson Waldorf School, and has enjoyed volunteering at schools across Tucson as a guest poet.
Elizabeth is the curator and curriculum designer for the Stories for Scamps program at the Scoundrel and Scamp Theatre.