The Scoundrel & Scamp Theatre Class Policy
Students: Commitments to Your Teachers & Peers
Our classes require that you bring both focus and energy, a positive attitude, and support and respect for your learning community.
Materials: At the first class, we will give you a binder with everything you will need for the duration of the course. Please always bring your binder to every class. There will be a designated area for all other belongings. Cell phones and other electronic devices are never allowed in class.
Refreshments: Please consider bringing a water bottle and snack to eat before or after class, but please no food or drink (except water) in the classroom.
Comfortable Attire: Please wear comfortable clothing that gives you freedom to move and that minimizes distraction for both you and your classmates. Solid colored t-shirts and athletic pants are great.
Mental Preparation: When you cross the threshold of the classroom, we expect you to leave your baggage--both physical and mental--at the door. Take a moment to breathe deeply and center yourself. Come prepared to work and to be open to trying new things.
Respect: Students are expected to treat each other, the instructors, the classroom, and theater spaces with the utmost respect. Props, sets, and lights are not toys. Please refrain from handling anything that you have not been given express permission to touch.
Harassment: We will not tolerate any harassment, bullying, or other inappropriate behavior between or amongst our students, including the students’ parents. Any student or parent who experiences any sort of harassment, bullying or inappropriate behavior during class should immediately contact Elizabeth Falcón at
Parents: Commitments to your Students & Teachers
Attendance: Regular attendance is important, as each class is designed to build on a skill introduced during the previous class. Your child will gain the most from consistent attendance. If possible, please let us know ahead of time if your child will not be in class, so that we can plan accordingly.
Drop Off & Pick Up: Please bring your students to class on time! Students may arrive up to 10 minutes prior to their scheduled class time and be picked up no more than 5 minutes after class ends, unless arrangements have been made with S&S staff ahead of time. If students arrive early or need to stay while another class is going on, please wait in the lobby quietly and courteously. To ensure child safety, students must wait inside for their parents. During class, parents are encouraged to remain in the lobby to avoid possible distraction.
Communication and Questions: We will communicate class updates, news, events, and performances with you through email and social media. Should you have questions, please give us a call or send us an email at For emergency communication during class time, please call (520) 385-6247.
Student Showcase: Our last class of the semester consists of a showcase of student work. All students will perform a scene on which they have been working. Please attend and bring your friends and family! All ages are welcome.
Tuition & Scholarships: Tuition is expected to be paid in full by the start of the first class. Scholarships are offered based on need, and are limited based on available funds. Please contact us if you are interested scholarship information.
Refunds: A refund may be issued up through the first week of class. After the first week of class, refunds will no longer be available.
Behavior: The Scoundrel & Scamp Theatre strives to create a safe space for students to explore technique and create art. Artistic expression is inherently a vulnerable act, and students are expected to treat each other, the instructors, the classroom, and theater spaces with the utmost respect at all times. Disrespectful, disruptive, unsafe or otherwise inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. Depending on the severity of the behavior, at the discretion of the teacher, a student may be given a warning or asked to sit out, and a parent will be called. The Scoundrel & Scamp Theatre reserves the right to expel students behaving inappropriately from subsequent classes, without refund.
Harassment: We will not tolerate any harassment, bullying, or other inappropriate behavior between or amongst our students, parents, or teachers. Anyone who experiences any sort of harassment, bullying, or inappropriate behavior during class should immediately contact Elizabeth Falcón at
Please let us know if your child requires any accommodations (medical, behavioral, etc.). While we may not be able to accommodate every need, we will do our best. Ongoing communication is key!
Organizational Commitments to our Students & Parents
Attendance: S&S teachers will come prepared and start class on-time. Should an instructor unexpectedly be unable to make a class, we will endeavor to provide a substitute instructor. Should emergency cancellation of a class be necessary, management will make our best effort to notify you in a timely fashion and schedule a make-up session, if possible.
Communication: S&S teachers and/or management will communicate with you about class updates, student behavior, or any other relevant information, in a timely manner.
Respect: Teachers will be respectful and inclusive of students' abilities, experiences, and learning styles.
Supervision: Our Resident Teaching Artist, Hunter Hnat, has an Arizona Fingerprint Clearance Card. Our Managing Director and Director of Education, who both also have Arizona Fingerprint Clearance Cards, will also be on hand during classes, should a child (or instructor) need to leave the classroom for any reason.
Harassment: We will not tolerate any harassment, bullying or other inappropriate behavior between or amongst our students, parents, or teachers. Anyone who experiences any sort of harassment, bullying or inappropriate behavior during class should immediately contact Elizabeth Falcón at